XEOMIN in Las Vegas

XEOMIN at Luminae

Xeomin is an FDA-approved anti-wrinkle injection taking the skincare world by storm. This purified injectable drastically reduces frown lines between the eyebrows and forehead, leading to a glowing, youthful appearance free from rigid, unsightly wrinkles. Known as a “naked injectable,” Xeomin is a clean, single-additive injection.

Dr. Phong Tran Cao, Luminae’s chief surgeon, offers Xeomin injections in Las Vegas for individuals concerned with their aging forehead wrinkles and glabellar lines. Dr. Phong has extensive experience in a variety of cosmetic procedures proven to enhance attractiveness and confidence. If you’re interested in learning more about XEOMIN in Las Vegas, schedule a consultation with Luminae today.

XEOMIN Before and After

While individual results may vary, most Xeomin users report noticeable, demonstrative results two weeks following treatment. Within 30 days of the cosmetic treatment, most users report an intense reduction of frown lines along with increased confidence and attractiveness they haven’t felt for years.

What Does XEOMIN Do?

Xeomin (active ingredient: incobotulinumtoxinA) is an injectable prescription medication that temporarily improves the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines and wrinkles in adults. Xeomin contains botulinum toxin type A, an agent that prevents the nerve endings in muscles between the eyebrows from fully contracting. It’s this constant contracting of the muscles between the eyebrows that causes glabellar lines, the frustrating folds of skin in the upper facial region that increases in density and appearance as we age.

Xeomin is an FDA-approved, anti-wrinkle injectable that’s purified, hence the “naked injectable” moniker–it only contains the active ingredient and zero additives. That means zero unnecessary proteins and toxins make their way into your body when you receive a Xeomin treatment, reducing the likelihood of allergic or adverse reactions.

Treatment Areas

Xeomin works by focusing on the upper facial region, an elastic area of skin that loses suppleness as we get older. With Xeomin’s uniquely purified formula, free of unnecessary proteins and toxins, the forehead, eyebrows, and area around the eyes are targeted during treatment. 


The mid-forehead, or area of skin between the eyebrows, is highly flexible and receptive to the energy the facial muscles expend. As we age and as our skin and muscles lose the plasticity we had in our youth, areas like the glabellar lines become accustomed to staying in a wrinkled or distressed state. Xeomin relieves muscular tension, allowing the forehead area to relax and regain the youthful appearance it previously had. 


Frown lines between the eyebrows, also known as glabellar lines, form from years of constant muscular tension beneath the surface of the skin. When Dr. Phong injects Xeomin into this region of the face, the targeted muscle fibers relax, frown lines soften, and the noticeable appearance of glabellar lines reduces drastically. 


The ridges and folds of skin that bunch up at the bridge of your nose and around your eye sockets get more noticeable as you age. Anti-wrinkle creams aren’t effective, and other topical medications seem to be nothing more than passing fads. Xeomin gets to the root of your wrinkles by getting to the root of your muscles, deadening the nerves that control their spasms and reducing the overall appearance of your frown lines. 

XEOMIN Cost in Las Vegas

The average cost of one treatment of Xeomin in Las Vegas is approximately $350 to $450, a comparable price to similar medications like BOTOX and Dysport. For more information on how much it costs in Las Vegas to have Xeomin eliminate your frown lines, contact Luminae today!


Treatment with Xeomin typically takes no more than 20 minutes and sometimes as little as 10 minutes to complete. Using a syringe, Dr. Phong injects 20 units of Xeomin into targeted areas in your upper facial region. No anesthesia is required for our Xeomin treatments in Las Vegas, but your medical professional may use cooling agents or ice to reduce any irritability. 

Recovery and Aftercare

Little to no recovery or professional aftercare is needed with Xeomin. This clean, single-additive injection is applied within 10 to 20 minutes, and results begin appearing in three to four days. After your cosmetic treatment, you should stay vertical for at least four hours. Also, be sure to avoid exercise, placing pressure on the treated area, prolonged UV light exposure, and any additional dermatological treatments within a 24-hour period following your Xeomin injection. 


Typical Xeomin results show frown line smoothing within three to four days after the first injection, with a maximum effect from treatment occurring at 30 days’ time. The typical duration of one treatment of Xeomin has shown efficacy for up to three months, although individual results may vary according to the patient’s biochemistry and facial structure.

Comparable Cosmetic Treatments

Two medications on the market are similar to Xeomin: Botox and Dysport. Let’s look at what makes these three medications similar and what sets them apart, so you know which one is right for you when scheduling a consultation with Dr. Phong in Las Vegas. 


Like Xeomin, Botox is an injectable botulinum type A drug, the first of its kind on the market. Receiving FDA approval for therapeutic use in 1989, it wasn’t until 2002 that Botox became an anti-wrinkle sensation in the cosmetic field. Since becoming a proven treatment in the field of anti-aging and cosmetology, Botox is one of the most popular and common anti-wrinkle injectables on the market today.

The major difference between Xeomin and Botox is in the way the two medications are created. Xeomin is formulated as a pure, distilled form of botulinum type A with little to no additives, extra proteins, or toxins that can hamper a patient’s results, cause unwanted side effects, or induce an allergic reaction.

Besides the difference in formulaic process, both medications work by numbing the nerves in facial muscles, which results in fewer wrinkles, creases, and crow’s feet. Xeomin has been used thus far to explicitly target glabellar lines on the forehead and in-between eyebrows, while Botox has a wider application for wrinkle-reduction in other areas of the face.

Both Botox and Xeomin average a price of $5.00 to $5.40 per unit.

XEOMIN vs. Dysport

Dysport (active ingredient: abobotulinumtoxin A) is another botulinum toxin type A cosmetic product with a few key differences from Xeomin. 

Because Dysport and Botox contain additives, some patients have developed antibodies to these two medications. Xeomin has thus far not held these same risks because of its clean formulation. Xeomin also does not need to be refrigerated before use like Botox and Dysport.

Other major differences between Dysport and Xeomin include price–Dysport is $4 per unit compared to Xeomin’s $5 unit average. Dysport needs 40 units for one treatment, though, despite onset occurring within 24 hours of treatment compared to Xeomin’s 3-4 day activation time period.

Other Las Vegas Facial Treatments We Offer

Advanced Aesthetic Treatments in Las Vegas

Future Aesthetician Services

Neurotoxins & Injectable Fillers

Choose Luminae for XEOMIN in Las Vegas

Luminae’s chief dental and dermatological surgeon, Dr. Phong, is an experienced and well-regarded physician in the cosmetic community. Skilled in a wide variety of dermatological and dental procedures, Dr. Phong’s passion is bringing out the beauty hiding in the individuals he services. He does so with incredibly careful, accurate cosmetic procedures that have proven time and time again that he is one of the best cosmetic surgeons in the country.  

For more information on how Dr. Phong can reduce your forehead and brow wrinkles with XEOMIN, contact Luminae today to schedule an appointment.


Xeomin and Botox are approximately the same prices at $5 to $5.50 per unit. Dysport is the cheaper option but also needs twice the amount of injectable to produce similar results.

Yes, Xeomin can be used around the mouth to help make smile lines less noticeable. It’s important to note that Xeomin is not a filler and is only used for wrinkle-reduction.

Xeomin, because of its purity, lasts longer in the body and is tolerated better than Botox and Dysport. Xeomin has been proven to last up to three months but takes a slightly slower time to reach an optimal state.

Each treatment of Xeomin is 20 units. That amount is typically enough to cover all the requisite facial sites you’ll need injected during one visit.

Do not lie down for at least four hours after receiving your Xeomin treatment. You must stay vertical as best as possible. Other things you should avoid include:

  • Excessive exercise.
  • Placing pressure on the treated areas.
  • Prolonged UV light exposure.
  • Further dermatological treatments within 24 hours.
How Soon Do You See Botox Results

Schedule a XEOMIN Consultation Today!

If you’re desperate to reduce those languishing lines between your eyebrows, banish the bulging, rigid skin surrounding your gorgeous eyes, or get back to a youthful look that improves your attractiveness and self-confidence, try our purified Xeomin treatments by contacting Luminae in Las Vegas today! 

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